Transcription – What is it and why is it needed?

by 15 Aug, 2024

In transcription, the audio or video recording is converted into text. It is used for example with interviews, meetings, trials and podcasts. With the help of transcription, the audio file is turned into an easy-to-use and browseable text document, which makes research work, analysis and archiving more efficient, for example.

But what exactly does transcription include? Let’s take a closer look at what this service means and how it can benefit you.

Why is transcription needed?

Transcription is not just about converting audio into text. It is needed in many situations where accurate information documentation is of paramount importance. For example, researchers, journalists, lawyers and marketing teams use transcription to get an accurate and easy-to-use written version of audio recordings. With the help of transcription, the material can be reviewed and analyzed more efficiently, which saves time and resources.

Transcription types

Transcription can be customized for different purposes and levels of accuracy. The most common transcribing types are presented below:

  • Clean Verbatim: Clean Verbatim focuses on the core content of the speech, leaving out filler words, voiceovers and repetitions. This is the best choice when the main goal is to have the key contents of the speech clearly recorded, such as in academic research or documenting interviews.
  • Full Verbatim: Full Verbatim records all the material in the speech, including filler words, pauses, and voiceovers. This is a good choice for situations where you want an accurate and detailed picture of the conversation, for example to analyze the interaction.
  • Edited Transcript: This type converts speech into written language, removing informal expressions and filler words. Edited Transcript is especially suitable for contexts where the text is made available to users, such as the text equivalents of podcasts.
  • Translated transcription: Translated transcription combines transcription and translation, whereby the recording is translated into another language. This is an important service in multilingual use cases where recordings need to be changed to another language.

What is transcription used for?

Transcribing is a versatile service that can be used in many different fields:

  • Research: Transcribing interview materials is an essential part of many research projects. The transcribed material enables a precise analysis and helps to easily identify the themes appearing in the conversation.
  • Legal use: Audio recordings of court proceedings and testimony can be converted to text, making the content easier to use in terms of browsing and searching.
  • Podcasts and text equivalents: In the EU, the accessibility directive requires that audio recordings, such as podcasts, published by public organizations, must be transcribed into text. This improves accessibility and ensures that everyone is sure to be able to use the content.

The benefits of transcription

Transcription offers several advantages:

  • Ease of use : Textual material is easier to browse and analyze than an audio file. You can quickly find important points and return to them later.
  • Accuracy and reliability : Professional transcription ensures that every word and meaning is spelled accurately and correctly.
  • Time saving : Transcription saves time because you don’t have to listen to the audio files yourself over and over again.


Transcription is a useful service in many different fields and purposes. Professional transcription ensures that you get accurate and reliable text from audio recordings. By choosing the appropriate transcription type, you ensure that you get a text that suits your needs, whether it is research, legal material or a text equivalent made for accessibility.

If you want more information about transcription or need help choosing a transcription type, Spoken offers a professional solution for all transcription needs. Request a quote and make sure you get the service you need quickly and reliably!