
Frequently Asked Questions

From here you will find answers to our frequently asked questions.


What file formats should I use when delivering material?
  • Transcription: We are able to receive transcription material in all audio and video formats.
  • Subtitling: We are able to receive subtiling material in all video formats.
  • Translation: The best for us is text format such as .docx. We can work also with PDF-files. 
How can I send you the files?

You can send us files at: spokencompany.com/material.

What are your delivery times?
  • Transcription: We are able to complete transcriptions very quickly. For example, we can transcribe 10 hours of material in just 3 days of receiving the material. You will receive the finished material on the day stated on the offer at the latest. If you need the material even earlier, we can agree on a tighter schedule.
  • Subtitling: We deliver ready-made subtiles for a one hour video within couple of days. If you need the material even earlier, we can agree on a tighter schedule.
  • Translation: The delivery times vary depending on the length and subject matter of the text. You will receive the finished material on the day stated on the offer at the latest. If you need the material even earlier, we can agree on a tighter schedule.
Express delivery: What does it include?

With express delivery, you receive the ready-made files on an accelerated schedule. Express delivery: Standard price +100 %.

You can choose express delivery for your files on our Send files page (section Delivery time).

Turnaround times:

  • File(s) sent before 14:00 (EET) → One business day by 16:00 (EET).
  • File(s) sent after 14:00 (EET) → Two business days by 16:00 (EET).
How will I receive the completed work?

We will send the completed material to your email according to a schedule we agree upon separately.

Did you receive the files I sent to your system?

Once you have submitted your files via the submission form at spokencompany.com/material, you will be taken to a confirmation page that lists all the files we received. If you are uncertain about whether the files made it through, please email us at info@spokencompany.com or you can also check the status of your files from your client account.

For how long will the links to completed jobs sent to me via email work?

For information security purposes, the links we send remain valid for 10 days counting from the reception of the email. If the links have expired, please contact us (info@spokencompany.com / +358 50 339 2407).

Prices and Invoicing

How much does your service cost?

Our prices are set out on our Pricing page. When you ask us for an offer we will give you a precise price for your order.

Is there room for negotiation in the pricing?

If the project is more extensive than usual, we offer a volume discount. If you wish to know more, ask us for an offer.

When will you invoice my order?

We send invoices for completed jobs within a few days of their completion. With more extensive projects we use monthly invoicing based on the progress of the project.

Can I pay for future transcription / subtitling / proofreading jobs in advance?

If you wish, we can sell so-called “advance credits” that you can use as you need with a flexible schedule after paying the invoice. Tell us if you would like to purchase these credits when you ask for an offer.

How can I pay my invoice?

Payment is made with an e-invoice (corporate clients) or at your online bank on the basis of an invoice delivered to you via email or mail.

How long is the payment time?

As a rule, the payment time of our invoices is 14 days.

Customer Account

How do I register my customer account?

You can create your personal customer account at www.spokencompany.com/account. Click “Register now”, and fill in your name and email address. To activate your account, you will receive an activation email. If you did not receive the email, please check your spam folder.

In case you have sent us files prior to your registration, please use the same email address with which you sent us the files.

Why should I register my customer account?

Through the account, you are able to see all the files you have sent us previously. You can also use it to download the finished files, which are kept for three months after being completed. Through your account, you can also send further files to Spoken. However, files can also be sent without logging in at www.spokencompany.com/material.

Do I have to register a customer account?

No. Registering is completely voluntary, and you can use our services without creating an account. Files can be sent to us at www.spokencompany.com/material. You will receive the completed files via email.

How do I log in to my customer account?

Log in at www.spokencompany.com/account. Your email address is your Username.

I have forgotten the password to my customer account. What should I do?

Click “Forgot your password?” at www.spokencompany.com/account. You will receive an email with instructions for changing your password. If you did not receive the email, please check your spam folder.

I have questions regarding my customer account.

If you have further questions, contact us at info@spokencompany.com.


How do you take care of data protection and secrecy?

All our customer projects are administered in our own Spoken TOOL system, which is built in the Google Cloud environment. All users of the system must identify themselves with a username and password to access the system, and all users have signed a non-disclosure agreement.

The customer material is stored on Google Cloud Storage (located within the EU) and is automatically deleted from the system three months after the file has been completed. Only the project assistant who works with the material and the staff in the project administration have access to the customer’s material.

While utilising speech recognition technology, our AI tools are operated on our own servers, ensuring that your data stays safe.

Personal data is processed in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. We only collect personal data that we need to administer customer relationships and for invoicing. We store personal data only in the systems where it is mandatory.

What are your general terms and conditions?

Our up-to-date terms of agreement may be found here.

What does your 100% satisfaction guarantee mean?

The satisfaction of our clients means everything to us. If you are not happy with the quality of our work, and we have not been able to improve the quality within one round of corrections, you do not need to pay us anything for our service.

Who are your clients?

Our clients include university researchers, public organizations, law firms,  video productions companies, other companies and private individuals. We are able to serve all of our client groups according to their specific needs. For more information on our clients, see our Clients page.

How do I contact you?

The quickest way to contact us is sending an email to info@spokencompany.com. We are quick to reply during office hours on weekdays.